Monday, December 6, 2010

WikiLeaks is an international new media non-profit organization that publishes unavailable documents from anonymous news sources and leaks. Its website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press. Within a year of its launch, the site claimed a database that had grown to more than 1.2 million documents of secrets that should not be shared with the public. These documents could be used by terrorists. In April 2010, WikiLeaks posted video from a 2007 incident in which Iraqi civilians and journalists were killed by U.S. forces, on a website called Collateral Murder. In July of the same year, WikiLeaks released Afghan War Diary, a compilation of more than 76,900 documents about the War in Afghanistan not previously available for public review.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Angry Birds

It has been confirmed that EA bought British company Chillingo which makes the game Angry birds for the iPhone , Ipod, and the Android Phone. Angry birds is the most sold game for the iPhone and iPod. While the company confirmed the purchase, they did not affirm that EA is going to pay $20 million cash, which is what a source told the publication. So much for the estimate of $80 - $200 million.  By acquiring Chillingo, EA Mobile is increasing its market leadership on the Apple Platform instead of just console games. Angry birds is the most sold game for the iPhone and iPod.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Reaper terminators (Predator Missile) know when to engage targets?

At roughly 2pm in August 2007 four men were spotted on a hill top if Afghan. David Sullivan took control of a UAV Reaper. With out sending any soldiers to the hill to check out the figures Sullivan prepared to use a Predator missile fired from the reaper to neutralize these “Taliban soldiers” the UAV controller locked onto his target and the countdown begun. Before the deadly missile was fired they noticed the men stared doing push ups and sit ups. These men where not in fact Taliban they were friendly troops doing there daily work out but what they didn’t know is that they were less then a minute away from a friendly Predator missile. Are these robots just too deadly to use? Extreme research is going into these unmanned plains to see if they are just too deadly to be used with out a conform call from ground troops where the enemies position is

Bowling for Columbine

Why are there gun murders in the U.S then any where else in the world? Is it because guns are easier to get in the U.S?
Topic Sentence: Is it easier to buy guns in the U.S?
Example: Michael Moore visited Canada to see how easy was to purchase ammunition. He went to a Wal-Mart and bought a box of 30.06 Winchester ammunition with out giving them his ID and he isn’t even a Canadian citizen. It seems that guns and ammo are just as easy to get in Canada then the States.
Explanation: If Michal a foreran citizen can buy ammo at a Wal-Mart that shows that in Canada it is just as easy to get guns. Also Canada has just as many guns as the U.S
Topic Sentence: Does the U.S have a higher gun murder rate because racism is higher?
Example: If you turn on your TV in the U.S.A to the news you are most likely to see a cop arresting a black man. A good example of this is South park history video of the white people and black people. When he visited Canada he found that Canada has just as many black people as the states.
Explanation: If Canada has just as many different races that cant be it. Also if you turn on a TV in Canada you will see the same thing.
Topic sentence: Is all the murders tide in with the there violent history?
Example: Is the violent history of the states the reason that more people die of guns each year then any where else in the world? An example of this is the video he shows us of the violent history of all the countries.
Explanation: If all the other countries are violent or even more violent it can’t be there history then.

Conclusion: Michel Moore’s conclusion on why are there more deaths from guns in the United States was that the government has to stop setting a bad example to the rest of his country. He also thinks gun control should be better. He thinks that the selection on guns should be more limited (No automatic weapons) if the government improves on these things there will be less gun murders.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Laser Made of Sound

           50 years since the first laser was demonstrated, physicists have decided to build devices capable of controlling sound waves in the same way that optical lasers change light. This year, two teams of researchers said that they development working sound based lasers or “sasers.” Optical lasers use quantum effects to produce a beam of one color. The big challenge in converting the laser to sound has been finding a way to make just one sonic frequency. Physicist Tony Kent and his classmates at the University of Nottingham in England made an amplifier that might fix this problem they are having.  The resulting saser can build up a sound wave at a specific frequency in the range that they need. This sound wave is far above the human hearing.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bowling for Columbine

Michael Moore's  thesis was he thinks that the USA is much more violent then any other country and they should have much better gun control.

Michael supports this by showing us how easy it is to get your hands on guns and ammo including illegal guns such as the Tec9 used to kill the students in the school. He used as talking head to show us this. he interviewed on of the parents of a child that was killed in Columbine. He also shows us a montage of how many people are killed in a year in each 1st world countries. He is also asking people how to deal with all this violent. He used the create of South Park to be a talking head because he originally made this show to relieve stress instead of shooting up his school. He also showed us a graphic montage of the history of America and how violent and bloody we are.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Teen smoking

          Most people that start smoking start in there teens. My point of view of on teen smoking is it is wrong and not worth it. Smoking in general is bad for your health expensive and a waste of time. People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco user’s start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all.
Tobacco kills about 45,000 Canadians a year. That's more than the total number of deaths from AIDS, car accidents, suicide, murder, fires and accidental poisonings combined. There are over 4,000 dangerous chemicals in cigarettes, cigars and pipes smoke. Many of these chemicals are cancer causing. Second-hand smoke causes most of the serious health problems. Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada estimate that every year, second-hand smoke kills from 1100 - 7800 Canadians.
Twenty years ago people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere even in hospitals and Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News Paper

Bridge options defined

Who: City council
What: Council sets possibilities for Traffic Bridge   
Where: Saskatoon, Sask
When: Monday Sept 13th, 2010
Why: Motor vehicles need another bridge to cross

Sex attack suspect: mother ‘raised me to respect women’

Who: Ian Gamble
What: Violent sexual attacks
Where: Prince Albert, Sask
When: Monday Sept 13th, 2010
Why: They want to catch the sex offender

Man Guilty of assault on SP columnist

Who: Charles Robert
Where: Saskatoon, Sask
What: Charged with assault
When: Feb 17th, 2010
Why: He is a violent man    

Friday, September 10, 2010

How is the relationship between Disney and McDonalds similar to the relationship described in merchants of cool?

Both Disney and McDonalds target children to sell there products too instead of adults. They do not really care about the children they are in it for the money. They lure children by having child friendly mascots. An example of this would be Ronald McDonald.

Merchants of school target children also. They are also in it for the money not the children. They target children by observing them to see what they want to be sold to them. An example would be Sprites hip hop commercials. In this commercial they are trying to fit in with the teens of that generation.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sony productions

Sony owns four main categories these categories are:

Electronics – This category covers televisions, DVD players, speakers/music systems, MP3 players, phones and computers.

Video games – Sony’s main video game development is the PS3. This is probably one of the most popular systems used today but they also have other systems such as the PSP.

Film and television production – Sony is a huge part of the movie and TV world. You would be surprised of how many movies and TV shows Sony has produced or funded. Sony also owns 20% of the movie studios in the unintended states.

Music productions – Sony owns a Columbia production which also owns many smaller music record labels. Sony produces a very large chunk of the records that in stores.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Brands I am wearing:

- The Adidias web site encourages athletics and sports. The mane sport they encourage would have to be running. This is a good thing because if teens like there clothing they may start being more athletic which will be good for them and there life style.

- The DC mostly makes skateboarding shoes so most of the people that wear there clothing and shoes are skateboarders. They also have a bit or running cloths to but all there wear relates to being athletic which most companies are trying to do which is good.

A approve both these brands themes.