Thursday, October 21, 2010

Angry Birds

It has been confirmed that EA bought British company Chillingo which makes the game Angry birds for the iPhone , Ipod, and the Android Phone. Angry birds is the most sold game for the iPhone and iPod. While the company confirmed the purchase, they did not affirm that EA is going to pay $20 million cash, which is what a source told the publication. So much for the estimate of $80 - $200 million.  By acquiring Chillingo, EA Mobile is increasing its market leadership on the Apple Platform instead of just console games. Angry birds is the most sold game for the iPhone and iPod.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting your summaries up. In the future, please include a link to the original article, and at the end of your post a couple of sentences revealing your own opinion/reaction to the article. If you do not have an opinion or reaction, you should probably choose a different article.

    Also, could we remove the 'killing jews' statement from your profile? I am not even sure where to begin discussing the inappropriateness of this hate filled utterance.

    Mr. Doubt.
